Antiquities wish list

L'Égypte demande à l'UNESCO par la voix de Zahi Hawass à récupérer cinq pièces majeures qu'elle considère comme lui ayant été volées: la pierre de Rosette au British Museum, le Zodiaque de Denderah au Louvre, la tête de Nefertiti au musée de Berlin, la statue d'un architecte de la Grande Pyramide, Hemiounou au Roemer-Pelizaeus Museum d'Hilesheim, et le buste du bâtisseur de la pyramide de Khephren Ankhef au Museum of Fine Arts de Boston.

Egypt has submitted a request to UNESCO asking that five of its most prominent historic treasures be returned.
The objects in question are the Rosetta Stone, now in the British Museum in London, the bust of Nefertiti in the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, the statue of Great Pyramid architect Hemiunnu in the Roemer-Pelizaeus Museum in Hilesheim, the Dendara Temple Zodiac in the Louvre in Paris, and the bust of Kephren pyramid builder Ankhaf in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

The Edwin Smith papyrus


Beaucoup plus technique que son homologue le papyrus Ebers, celui ci propose des méthodes précises et des recommandations au médecin sur ce qu'il doit faire.

The earliest known historical text on surgery is the Edwin Smith papyrus. Dating to 1600 BC, it is, in fact, the oldest known medical document. The practical material in the Edwin Smith papyrus stands in stark contrast to the magical incantations in another celebrated Egyptian medical text, the Ebers Papyrus


The tomb of Harwa.

Enfin de nouveau en ligne, le site consacré à ce très haut personnage, intendant de la Divine Adoratrice, il gérait le temporel immense du temple d'Amon à Karnak et de ce fait dirigeait la Haute Égypte pour les souverains de la XXVème dynastie.
La tombe est fouillée depuis 1995 par la Mission Archéologique Italienne de Louxor.

At last once more on line, the web site devoted to the tomb of Harwa. Harwa held the position of Great Steward of the Divine Votaress, a position that allowed him to manage the huge resources of the state of Amun-Re of Karnak, and thus virtually ruled Upper Egypt for the XXVth dynasty kings.
The excavations in the Tomb of Harwa have been carried out since 1995 by the Italian Archaeological Mission to Luxor.

Egyptians ate lettuce to boost sex drive

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Les relations entre le dieu Min, dieu de la fertilité et de la sexualité, avec la laitue ont toujours intrigué les historiens. Classiquement, on y voit une relation purement symbolique liée à l'écoulement d'un latex blanchâtre rappellant le sperme lorsqu'on coupe la tige de la plante.
Un pharmacologue Italien propose une autre explication: ce latex contient des alcaloïdes qui auraient un effet calmant modéré à faible dose et stimulant à forte dose, et propose de voir là les raisons de cette association.
Cette explication ne semble pas convaincre les égyptologues...

The association between the god Min, symbol of sexual power and lettuce has always been puzzling. It is traditionnaly thought that the god and plant are linked due to symbolism, i.e. that the milk-sap dropping when the stalk is cut was seen as the semen of the god.
There is a new theory: Italian ethnobotanist Giorgio Samorini tested the phytochemicals present in the latex, or lactucarium, with a series of experiments, and discovered that lettuce has a double, opposite effect, depending on the dose. Tests showed that 1 gram of lactucarius induces calming and pain killing effects because of the presence of lactucin and lactucopicrin. At the highest doses (2 to 3 grams), the stimulating effects of tropane alkaloids prevail.
This hypothesis needs confirmation...

The Knight of Karnak: One man’s crusade to save Pharaonic heritage from becoming, quite literally, a pile of stones or a source of building material for a factory.

L'Égypte ancienne doit beaucoup au courage et à l'abnégation de Prisse d'Avennes. Quant tant de missions à but plus ou moins lucratifs se succédaient au XIXème siècle en Égypte, lui essayait de sauver les monuments de la destruction. C'est ainsi qu'il s'est opposé au péril de sa vie au démantèlement de Karnak dont Mehemet Ali voulait faire une carrière pour la construction d'usines de salpêtre. Pauvre, la seule récompense qu'il reçut jamais fut la Légion d'Honneur.

Ancient Egypt monuments owe much to a not enough known man: Prisse d'Avennes. D’Avennes was a multitalented man whose unconventional path led him to dedicate his life to discovering and painstakingly recording Egyptian architectural treasures, both Pharaonic and Islamic. D’Avennes had a mission: He wanted to save the stones of Karnak from being used to build the Pasha’s saltpeter factory. His determination provoked several violent incidents. He was beaten, stabbed and jailed, but still would not give up. One of his young assistants, George Lloyd de Beynestyn, having been assailed by a fellah, used the butt of his gun in self-defense, but accidentally shot himself instead. Alone, d’Avennes resolved to work harder, although historians hint at the immense depression that followed the death of this special friend. D’Avennes was decorated with the Légion d’Honneur, the only reward he ever reaped for his efforts.

Zwischen Memphis und Theben: Die Gräber politischer Drahtzieher in Assiut/Mittelägypten

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Depuis 2004 une mission conjointe Germano-Égyptienne étudie les tombes des gouverneurs d'Assiout. D'importantes découvertes historiques ont été effectuées, notamment sur leur rôle dans les combats entre les dynasties Hérakléopolitaines et Thébaines à la fin du Moyen Empire.

The tomb inscriptions of the Egyptian governors of Assiut are evidence of their participation in the battles between the Heracleopolites in the North and the Thebans in the South in about 2000 BC. Apart from clearing and documenting, the first joint mission of the Universities of Mainz, Münster and Sohag (started in 2004) resulted in an unparalleled mapping and a unique survey as well as in the exploration and restoration of hitherto unpublished tomb paintings. Numerous findings of different kinds prove the longterm use of the extensive rock necropolis.

The Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great

Un site scientifique entièrement consacré au mystère de la tombe d'Alexandre le Grand, un des monuments les plus vénérés du monde antique, dont la disparition sans trace reste un des plus grand mystère de l'archéologie.

It was the most renowned and respected shrine in the Roman Empire, the object of veneration by Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Octavian, Caligula, Hadrian, Severus, Caracalla and a host of other luminaries. It stood for centuries within a sacred precinct the size of a large town at the heart of the greatest Greek city in the world. Yet at the end of the 4th century AD, when the Christian emperor Theodosius outlawed paganism, it disappeared without trace, creating the greatest archaeological enigma of the ancient world. What became of the tomb of Alexander the Great? Does any part of it still survive? This site is dedicated to Alexander and the mysteries of his lost corpse and vanished mausoleum.

Egypt uncovers 3,200-year-old sarcophagus

Un grand sarcophage en granit rose appartenant à un Supérieur des étables et datant de l'époque de Ramsès II vient d'être mis au jour à Saqqara dans une tombe de l'Ancien Empire connue depuis 1980. Aucune photo publiée à ce jour.

A large sarcophagus dating to the reign of King Ramses II (1279-1213 BC) was discovered in Saqqara, south of Cairo, the Supreme Council of Antiquities said on Tuesday. The sarcophagus, made of red granite, bears hieroglyphic text and different titles of the deceased. It belongs to an overseer of stables during the reign of Ramses II. "The newly-discovered sarcophagus was found inside an old kingdom tomb previously discovered in the 1980s," said the statement. No photograph at the moment.

Les Textes des Pyramides/  Pyramid Texts

Une petite introduction sur le sujet par Audran Labrousse.

A short introduction (in French) on the Pyramid texts by Audran Labrousse.

et pour un texte plus complet l'ouvrage de Raphaël Bertrand

Et les textes de la pyramide d'Ounas en situation. Très intéressant.

And the texts of the pyramid of Unas in the pyramid itself. Recommended.